VTA Board of Directors Approves the BSVII Project Thriving Business Program (TBP)

On March 7, 2024, the VTA Board of Directors approved $15 million over a 5-year period for the Thriving Business Program (TBP) including direct financial assistance for small businesses! 

This approval marks an important milestone in our commitment to support the local small business community through major construction of VTA’s BART Silicon Valley Phase II Extension (BSVII) Project. VTA’s Small Business Task Force has been integral to the Program’s development since early Program concept discussions in 2019.  

Following input from the Board of Directors in Spring 2023, Program refinements were incorporated along with additional Small Business Task Force’s feedback and recommendations.  

The Program updates were well received at the March 4, 2024, Task Force meeting, where members offered their assistance to better engage small businesses and provided feedback on how to implement the Program. The Small Business Task Force continues to be involved in identifying ways to engage small businesses and implementing the Program.

The Program’s Eat Shop Local Campaign and Local Resource Network (LRN) will launch prior to major construction, while Direct Financial Assistance (DFA), will be provided when major construction starts near the station areas. Next steps of the Program involve the Business Liaison Team visiting establishments to connect with business owners, understand their unique needs, and provide tailored information about the Program and how to opt-in. In addition to spreading general awareness about the Program at community pop-up events, look out for Project staff and the Business Liaison Team out in the community! 

With approval in place, the Program will launch in Fall/Winter 2024! Watch the recording of the March Board of Directors Meeting where formal approval of the TBP was given. 

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