November Events 2023

image of Fall Train show

November was a busy month engaging with the community. Project staff spoke with over 300 community members at the annual Fall Train show hosted by the South Bay Historical Railroad Society, VTA’s Winchester Open House, and two pop-ups at Santa Clara Station and the Whole Foods along the Alameda!

Mercadito Food Distribution

image of food distribution event

The Project Team engaged with over 100 community members in English, Spanish, Chinese, and Vietnamese to ensure that all community members know that they’ll be able to use this new transit service in the future!

Santa Clara Parade of Champions

image at Santa Clara Parade of Champions

The 54th annual Santa Clara Parade of Champions was a day filled with warm weather, great food, music, and company. Over 250 attendees, including Santa Clara Councilmembers, stopped by our table to show support for the Project.

World Journal Moon Festival Carnival

image of World Journal Moon Festival Carnival

The traditional Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival in Cupertino was a day filled with culture and celebration. The Project Team had a blast engaging with the community and enjoying fun family games, food, and much more!

Santa Clara Art & Wine Festival

image of community engagement at Santa Clara Art & Wine Festival

This community cherished annual event showcased a variety of artists, craft vendors, live music, food, and wine! The Project Team enjoyed engaging with over 1,000 people. Thank you to all the community members that attended and showed support for the Project!


image of VivaCalleSJ tabling

VivaCalleSJ in Japantown was a great success. For one afternoon, the City closed several streets to allow community members to explore neighborhoods at their own pace. Many chose to either walk, bike, or skate while enjoying the booths and activities the event had to offer!