Transparency Commitment

photo of VTA Board of Directors

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VTA is committed to providing transparent information on the funding for BSVII and will continue to update cost estimates and funding strategies as the Project advances into construction.

To make VTA’s BSVII Project a reality, a diverse funding strategy has been identified with varied revenue funding sources. Voters have approved multiple local and statewide measures, showing their support for bringing BSVII service into Santa Clara County.  

The Project team provides transparent information regarding the Project’s funding and will continue to update cost estimates and funding strategies as the Project advances into construction. One of the primary objectives in delivering the BSVII Project is to provide the community and stakeholders access to transparent and up-to-date project information. With this information, all parties can make informed decisions, fostering greater confidence in the project’s progress. 


2024: New Starts Program
Image of funding pie chart that illustrates funding amounts from a local to federal level

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VTA has a diverse funding strategy for the BSVII Project, with sources at the federal, state/regional, and local levels.

The BSVII Project is currently in the New Starts Project Development Phase of the Federal Transit Administration’s (FTA) New Starts Program. The New Starts Program is part of FTA’s Capital Investment Grants Program. FTA’s New Starts program is the federal government’s primary discretionary financial resource that supports new locally planned commuter rail, light rail, heavy rail, and bus rapid transit projects, streetcars, and ferries, as well as extensions to existing transit systems in every area of the country. VTA continues to coordinate with the FTA for New Starts Engineering as VTA applies for the Full Funding Grant Agreement (FFGA) by mid-2025. 

2018 – 2023: Transit and Intercity Rail Capital Program (TIRCP)/State Funding

In May 2018, VTA was awarded $238.4 million of a total award of $750 million from the State of California’s Transit and Intercity Rail Capital Program (TIRCP). The additional $511.6 million will be distributed over the life of the project.

TIRCP was created by Senate Bill 862 and modified by Senate Bill 9 to provide grants from the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund to fund transformative capital improvements that will modernize California’s transit systems while curtailing emissions from greenhouse gases by reducing congestion and vehicle miles traveled throughout the state.

2018: Regional Measure 3

In June 2018, 55% of voters in the nine Bay Area counties approved Regional Measure 3. This measure added a $1 toll increase on seven state-owned bridges in January 2019, with additional $1 increases in 2022 and 2025. Regional Measure 3 will provide $375 million to the BSVII Project.

2016: Measure B

In June 2016, the VTA Board of Directors unanimously adopted the framework and funding amounts to place an additional half-cent 30-year sales tax measure on the November 8, 2016, ballot to help fund transportation priorities. An extensive 18-month public outreach process gathered input and suggestions on how to best improve Santa Clara County’s transportation needs. Through this process, a list of priorities and transportation projects was approved, including a plan to invest $1.5 billion into the BSVII Project.  The 2016 Measure B, which required a two-thirds majority vote, was approved by voters with more than 71% of the vote in April 2017. 

2008: Measure B - Operation and Maintenance Funding

On November 4, 2008, a second Santa Clara County ballot measure supporting the BART extension passed, receiving 66.78% of the vote, exceeding the two-thirds super majority. The 30-year eighth-cent Measure B sales tax will generate dedicated revenue to fulfill VTA’s obligation to BART for the operation, maintenance, and future capital reserve of the BART extension that VTA constructs. 

2000: Measure A

On August 9, 2000, the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) Board of Directors voted to place a 30-year half-cent transit sales tax on the November 7, 2000, General Election ballot, giving Santa Clara County voters the opportunity to vote on transportation improvements in the county including construction of a BART extension from Alameda County to Santa Clara County. 

Construction (2024-2036)
  • Early Works Construction – Spring 2024
  • Tunneling and Ongoing Construction – Spring 2025
    As of Fall 2023, this is the current estimated timeline for commencement of major construction activities. This timeline is approximate and will be updated as more information becomes available.

Tunnel Configuration (2018)
  • VTA Board Approves Staff Recommendation for BART Silicon Valley Phase II Project – April 2018
    In a unanimous vote Thursday evening, April 5, VTA Board members approved the staff recommendation for VTA’s BART Silicon Valley Phase II Extension Project. The Board approved a single-bore tunneling… Read more
Design and Engineering (2018-2023)
  • VTA awarded General Engineering Consultant contract to Mott MacDonald/PGH Wong – January 2019
  • Tunnel Configuration Exploration – 2019
  • Launch of Small Business Task Force – Fall 2019
  • Progress Application for FTA’s Expedited Project Delivery Grant – 2020
  • Contract Package 2 Tunnel & Trackwork Request for Qualifications Released – Winter 2020
  • BART Phase II Project First to Submit for Critical Federal Funding Program – January 2021
    VTA achieved two critical milestones for the BART Phase II Project being the first transit agency in the nation to submit an application for $1.735 billion through the Federal Transit Administration’s… Read more

  • Contract Package 1 Systems Request for Qualifications Released – Winter 2021
  • BART Silicon Valley Phase II Project Advances with Two Milestones – May 2021
    The BART Silicon Valley Extension into Downtown San Jose and Santa Clara is moving forward with two critical milestones achieved this week. The Project has advanced to the final step in the… Read more

  • Contract Package 2 Tunnel & Trackwork Request for Proposals Released – Summer 2021
Environmental Clearance (2004-2018)
  • VTA Board Certified Final Environmental Impact Report – December 2004
  • VTA Board Certified Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report – June 2007
  • VTA Board Separated Project into Two Phases – February 2009
  • Phase II Planning effort resumed – 2014
  • VTA’s BART Phase II SEIS/SEIR Scoping Meetings – February 2015
  • VTA’s BART Phase II Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement/Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (SEIS/SEIR) Released January 2017
  • VTA Board Approves Staff Recommendation for BART Silicon Valley Phase II Project
    Milestone Date In a unanimous vote Thursday evening, April 5, VTA Board members approved the staff recommendation for VTA’s BART Silicon Valley Phase II Extension Project. The Board approved a single-bore tunneling… Read more
  • BART Board Approval – April 26, 2018
    ​​​​​​On April 26, 2018, after review and consideration of VTA’s BART Silicon Valley Phase II Extension (Project) Final SEIR and related Findings, Statement of Overriding Considerations, and MMRP adopted by VTA on April 5, 2018, the BART Board of Directors accepted the Project SEIR; adopted VTA’s Findings and Statement of Overriding Considerations for the SEIR; and, pursuant to the Comprehensive Agreement, approved the Project.

  • VTA Receives Federal Record of Decision for BART Silicon Valley Phase II Extension Project – June 4, 2018
    VTA was notified today by the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) that a Record of Decision (ROD) has been issued for the next six miles of VTA’s BART Silicon Valley Extension into downtown San Jose… Read more

Alternative Analysis (2000-2001)

VTA Adopted Major Investment Study – November 2001

Project History

The effort to bring BART into Santa Clara County has been decades in the making.  

When the BART District was formed in the 1960’s, Santa Clara County opted out. Faced with growing congestion along the I-880 corridor, a Major Investment Study was conducted in 2001, which identified the need for transit alternatives and laid the groundwork to start the environmental process for the BART Silicon Valley Extension Program.   

The original project would have extended service in one 16-mile extension from South Fremont to Santa Clara. The VTA Board committed to building the project in two phases in February 2009, with Phase I carrying passengers to Berryessa/North San José and BSVII serving downtown San José to Santa Clara. 

Phase I broke ground in 2012 and opened for passenger service on June 13, 2020. 

The BSVII Project has completed the environmental process and is currently in the design and engineering stage. The project recently celebrated its West Portal Groundbreaking event at the future Newhall Yard & Maintenance Facility site on June 14, 2024.

photo of stakeholders at VTA's West Portal Groundbreaking event

Click to see full image!

West Portal Groundbreaking Ceremony, June 14, 2024

Reports and Documents

Project Management Oversight Reports

The FTA, along with their Project Management Oversight Consultant (PMOC), closely monitors the progress of a project. They conduct regular reviews and issue Project Monitoring Reports that summarize their observations and findings.

PMOC Project Monitoring Reports

FTA Financial Management Oversight Committee Reports

The FTA, along with their Financial Management Oversight Committee (FMOC), closely monitors the financial management of a project. Their main responsibilities include reviewing and approving project budgets, financial plans, and cost estimates. They conduct regular reviews and issue Financial Management Oversight Reports that summarize their observations and findings.

Documents available soon.

FTA Risk Assessment Reports

The FTA produces Risk Assessment Reports to evaluate potential risks in projects. They analyze factors like project scope, schedule, budget, and external influences to identify risks and provide recommendations for mitigation.

Documents available soon.

AG Oversite Monitoring Reports

Documents available soon.

View archived documents prior to 2023.

VTA Board and Committees

VTA organizes various boards and committees around specific topics that set VTA policy and/or provide oversight of VTA-related projects.  

The VTA Board of Directors (BOD) sets Santa Clara County’s bus, rail and highway policy and consists of 12 voting members, six alternate Board members, and one ex-officio member. The VTA BOD meets on the first Thursday of every month at 5:30 pm.

Visit the VTA Board and Committees Portal to view past Board of Director meeting agendas, minutes, and recordings.

VTA Board of Directors Recent Meetings

VTA’s BART Silicon Valley Phase II Oversight Committee provides oversight and guidance on the BSVII Project. This committee is responsible for reviewing project progress and budget, assessing key milestones, and providing guidance in mitigating the risks and issues that may arise during the Project’s life cycle. Members also assist in communicating and distributing project information.

Visit the VTA Board and Committees Portal to view past Oversight Committee meeting agendas, minutes, and recordings.

The Joint VTA / BART Working Committee is an official forum for VTA and BART Board members to convene and discuss BSVII Project updates. This committee receives project updates, remarks from VTA and BART general managers, and discusses project updates.

Visit the VTA Board and Committees Portal to view past Joint VTA / BART Working Committee meeting agendas, minutes, and recordings.

VTA Organization Chart

Explore the BSVII Project’s management structure by hovering over each tab to see more information.

Explore the BSVII Project’s management structure by clicking on each tab to see more information.


VTA logo in white



Program Management Team

  • Firm: HNTB/WSP Joint Venture
  • Contract Award: October 2017
    • Project, Engineering, and Contract Management
    • Project Control (Cost, Schedule, Risk, Reporting)
    • Contract Package (CP) Management
  • Recent Contract Amendment

General Engineering Consultant

  • Firm: Mott MacDonald/PGH Wong Engineering Joint Venture
  • Contract Award: January 2019
    • Design Services
    • Design Support during Construction
    • Plans, Specifications
  • Recent Contract Amendment

Construction Management

  • Firm: Bechtel Infrastructure Corporation
  • Contract Award: April 2024
    • Oversight of construction contractors and all field activities
    • Construction contract management including change orders and claims
    • Inspection, Testing, and Acceptance
  • Contract Award